Geary County 4-H Foundation
The Geary County 4-H Foundation is a not for profit organization for the purpose of supporting and promoting the 4-H program in Geary County. It is designed to provide a structured mechanism to receive donations for the support of the Geary County 4-H Program.
Who Benefits?
Youth ages 7 to 18 and adult volunteers in Geary County receive direct benefits, through educational activities and programs. Indirectly, the entire community benefits as those involved in the county 4-H program become better citizens who are more capable of making worthwhile contributions and providing leadership. 4-H involves male and female, urban and rural youth of all ages.
How Do The Youth Benefit?
4-H members are guided by volunteer leaders in club settings where parliamentary procedure, public speaking, leadership, and life-skills are practiced. By being involved through various projects, participants find that confidence and self-esteem are enhanced for a lifelong benefit.
One of the greatest benefits is that older 4-H members are given the opportunity to mentor younger 4-H members. They learn from each other and the older 4-H member becomes part of the support system that every young person needs. 4-H also involves other important parts of a young persons support system such as their parents and siblings.
Ways To Contribute
Cash Gifts - can be donated to the general fund or designated for a specific project
Bequest by Estate
Gift Annuities/Charitable Trusts
Other Assets
Farm Commodities
Life Insurance
Donation given in memory or honor of a special person or event
Donations can be sent by mail to:
Geary County 4-H Foundation
PO Box 28
Junction City, KS 66441
Donate online via PayPal: